January 2017 - Dockside Realty Colonial Beach Show
Burnt And Burning Off

The “burnt” part of the title refers the trees on the hillside which had not survived a previous forest fire. The “burning off” refers to the fog which was dissipating. The sun was actually not visible through the thin layer of fog to the human eye when I took this shot. The location of this photograph was Yellowstone National Park.
Nevada Neglect 2

Clouds Over The Windy City

Prickle Balls

I have a friend in California who is an avid collector of cacti and succulents. His greenhouse is full of fascinating textures and patterns. I couldn’t resist a visit with my trusty camera, and this is one of the images I came home with.
Color Bars

Obviously I have made some alterations on my computer. I rotated “Color Bars” 90º, just because I liked it better that way. This photo was taken at the classic car show they have on Caroline St. every year on the first Saturday in June. All those shiny reflective surfaces are a lot of fun for photographers!
Red And Blue Mug Shot

I was playing around with a beer mug, trying for some (hopefully) interesting abstract photos. I set the mug on it’s side on a step stool on my dining room table. I then aimed my camera through the bottom of it, out through the sliding glass door and the trees behind my house which were all covered with leaves of that fresh bright green color of springtime. I chose that particular mug because of the patterns in the glass. After many more machinations with my computer, these photos were the results. I used variations of the same photo for all that you see.

This was one of many tractor engines that I found in a tractor museum in Pink Hill, North Carolina. The way the light and shadow played on this particular one, was what prompted me to choose this one to photograph.
Rolls Royce Closeup

Dirty Window Abstract

This one is a personal favorite of the photographer. The photograph was taken at Glenn Echo Park in Glen Echo, Maryland. The building had recently been painted, and my guess is that the windows were not protected before they spray painted. Someone had obviously made a crude attempt to remove the paint after some of it had dried. I loved the way the afternoon sun was backlighting the smears on the windows. The red background color was provided by the mansard roof of another building.
Glen Echo Park has quite a varied history, going back to 1891. It now belongs to the National Park Service, and is used as an Arts and Cultural Center. I won’t go into it all here, but I will encourage you to look it up yourself if you aren’t familiar with the place.
Scrubland And Igneous Rock

On the way to Craters of the Moon National Park, I was looking for signs of volcanic activity. The cone shaped mountain and the big black lava rock were pretty obvious ones. The rock is a good example of Aa (pronounced ah-ah, it’s a Hawaiian word, very useful when playing Scrabble). It makes you wonder if that particular chunk of Aa had been blasted out of that particular volcano when it was erupting. These features definitely improved the scene of the rather monotonous high desert landscape.
Fade Out

I was playing around with a beer mug, trying for some (hopefully) interesting abstract photos. I set the mug on it’s side on a step stool on my dining room table. I then aimed my camera through the bottom of it, out through the sliding glass door and the trees behind my house which were all covered with leaves of that fresh bright green color of springtime. I chose that particular mug because of the patterns in the glass. After many more machinations with my computer, these photos were the results. I used variations of the same photo for all that you see.
Swannanoa Stairs

Swannanoa is an old mansion in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was built by the man who built Maymont in Richmond, and was originally a summer home for him and his wife. It is noted for some Tiffany glass, among other things. It is in need of restoration, but still quite interesting to see. I liked the play of light and shadow on the stairs. I added the blue tones just for fun.
This photograph won a first prize in photography at the Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show in 2016.
Kite Georgia Diptych

Now that we are retired, my husband and I love to take the time to travel on the back roads whenever possible. On a recent trip to Florida, we found this block of old shops in Kite, Georgia. The roofs were long gone and the sun was shining through what was left of the windows. You can see that Mother Nature is making an effort to reclaim the land.
The Shoal Beacon

I grew up in a boat loving family and met my husband through our shared love of sailing. I spend a lot of time on, and around the water.
This is the shoal beacon at the mouth of the Wicomico River, just across the Potomac from here. I took the photo in October, when moving a boat from Dahlgren to Cobb Island, to be hauled for the winter. I wanted the viewer to think of a hot summer day when looking at this, so I overexposed it a bit to make it brighter, and to soften the distant shoreline a bit more.
Lazy Day

Track N Field

I once spent an afternoon in a "truck graveyard" with the Fredericksburg Photography Club, and this was one of the many photos from that jaunt. I figured the colors and theme complemented my "Diesel" photo, so I hung them together in this show. They are the sort of things I would imagine someone might hang in a “man cave”.
Lindau Lighthouse

Built in the mid 1800s this is the “new” Lindau Lighthouse. New, because it replaced a 12th century tower. The flag showing in the photo is French, but the lighthouse is the only one in Bavaria. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful lighthouses in the world. It is the only lighthouse I have ever seen that doubles as a clock tower.
Train Station Twilight

I was on a quest to capture another scene with my camera in the neighborhood of the train station in Fredericksburg, when I got sidetracked by this scene. I like interesting reflections, and was intrigued by how the lamp post lights march on down the line further in the window reflections. I like seeing the city lights during that transition time between day and night.
Marsh Heron

This heron in the marsh was found at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, on the DelMarVa peninsula. I visited the area during one of those unseasonably warm periods in the month of March. The photograph, without any alterations already had a "painterly" quality to it, so I thought it might be a good candidate to print on canvas.
Upside Down Town

Lindau Island is located on Lake Constance, which is bordered by Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, is the location for this photo (as well as Lindau Lighthouse). I loved the reflections of the beautiful old buildings along the waterfront. Because it made me think of a painting, I figured it would look really nice printed on canvas.
Multicolor Mug Shot

I was playing around with a beer mug, trying for some (hopefully) interesting abstract photos. I set the mug on it’s side on a step stool on my dining room table. I then aimed my camera through the bottom of it, out through the sliding glass door and the trees behind my house which were all covered with leaves of that fresh bright green color of springtime. I chose that particular mug because of the patterns in the glass. After many more machinations with my computer, these photos were the results. I used variations of the same photo for all that you see.