March 2017 - FCCA Regional Show
Mechanical Details

On one of my trips across our continent, I found this old Case steam powered tractor, somewhere in the Midwest. It had all sorts of interesting belts, pulleys, wheels, etc. This is a close up detail of one area. Of course the paint was pretty faded on it, but saturating the color was a way to give you a better idea of what it might have looked like when it was new.
I was attracted to all the angles and arcs when I composed this photo. I liked the semi abstract look of it.
Tugboat Porthole

The name of this one is pretty self explanatory. . . I found the tugboat tied up at a dock at one of the marinas in Cobb Island, MD. This is one of a few “detail” shots I took of the boat. I have been trying to put more color into my photographs. This one filled that requirement nicely.