June 2017 - Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community Show

Last summer I visited the rooftop bar at Vivify Burger & Lounge, in Fredericksburg Virginia, in the middle a hot afternoon with my friend and fellow photographer, Penny Parrish (who also has a photograph in this show). Penny was hoping to be able to get a shot of the street below, but the walls were too high. I was intrigued by the row of chrome bar stools I discovered up there, all lined up at the bar, and completely empty at that hour of the day. I captured the scene from several different angles, and this was my favorite of the lot. What intrigued me was the repetitive patterns of the bar stools and their shadows, and the way they seem to march on into infinity. I knew from past experience that I might be able to bring out some interesting colors from the reflective chrome surfaces of the stools when I had this digital photograph to play around with on the computer. I chose to have this printed on metallic paper, and really like the way it brings out the shininess of the chrome.
I my mind the title couldn’t be anything other than Waiting For Happy Hour, because that is the feeling these empty stools evoked in me.
I entered this photograph in the All Photography Show at Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts in February, where I am very pleased to say that it won an Honorable Mention. I also entered it in the Fredericksburg Fine Arts Show where I am even more pleased to say that it was awarded “Best In Show”!