June 2019 - Fredericksburg Photography Show
Abandoned Prairie Church

I don't often convert my color photographs to monochromes, but in the case of the Abandoned Prairie Church, the lack of color emphasized the rich textures of the old weatherbeaten building, the tall grass, and the surrounding trees and bushes. It was an overcast day, so the sky would still have been grey. I captured this church from several angles, and had a hard time deciding which of two of them, I liked the best. (The other one was also accepted in a show here last year, which is why it might look rather familiar.)
Classic Wheels

Frost Line

This is a close up photograph of the frost on my Mini Cooper early in the morning. There was some reflection of the sky, and some trees. The car is gray. I saturated the color on the computer to make it more vivid. Apparently it was early enough in the morning to bring out the red tones as well as the blue.
Jones Pond Panorama

The Lotus Pond

This photo was taken on a rather cloudy day at the Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago, Illinois.
Winter Evening Tree Line

This is a “swipe” which is accomplished by moving the camera in one direction using a slow shutter speed. This one was take much closer to home, at Caledon State Park.