November 2020 - FCCA "Artist Choice" Regional Show
Abandoned Prairie Church

I don't often convert my color photographs to monochromes, but in the case of the Abandoned Prairie Church, the lack of color emphasized the rich textures of the old weatherbeaten building, the tall grass, and the surrounding trees and bushes. It was an overcast day, so the sky would still have been grey. I captured this church from several angles, and had a hard time deciding which of two of them, I liked the best. (The other one was also accepted in a show here last year, which is why it might look rather familiar.)
Kousa Dogwood

I don't often convert my color photographs to monochromes, but in the case of the Kousa Dogwood, the color version shows a little bit of dark green on the leaves, and looks just as good as this black and white version, but for some reason I liked it this way better. This one was done with my android phone on an evening walk around Fredericksburg this summer, when we were feeling the need to escape from our COVID-19 precautions for a little while.
Summer in a Bud Vase

I don't usually set up a scene to photograph, but my bud vase was too much to resist. In the color version of Summer in a Bud Vase the colors distract, so you don't notice the elegant lines of the flower arrangement and the nuances and details brought out by the shading gradations.
Under the Weeping Willow Tree

A lot of textures come into play again in Under the Weeping Willow Tree. It was just such a tranquil, beautiful scene, how could I not photograph it?