December 2020 - FCCA "Flora Fauna" National Show
Greenery And Bluery

This photograph was done as an exercise in cell phone photography, after a talk on that subject (via Zoom because of the COVID-19 restrictions) for the Fredericksburg Photography Club. For the next meeting we were to show the photos we did with our phones, using the knowledge we gained from the talk. This is one of mine, done with my android phone. I tried various apps on the phone for a bit of special effects, and this was the one I liked the best. The blue and purple tones were a surprise when I experimented. I cropped it to make a better composition than I would have had with the original size. It got good reviews from the other club members, so I entered it in the show, and am of course thrilled to have it accepted. These plants were in the big planters on Caroline Street. When I went back a couple weeks later there were scarecrow figures added to the planters, so I was glad I captured this scene when I did!